Table of contents
- 1. Chain of Responsibility: Decouple Sender and Receiver of Requests
- 2. Command: Encapsulate a Request as an Object
- 3. Iterator: Access Elements Sequentially without Exposing the Underlying Representation
- 4. Mediator: Encapsulate Object Interaction in a Separate Object
- 5. Memento: Capture and Restore Object State
- 6. Observer: Define a One-to-Many Dependency between Objects
- 7. Strategy: Define a Family of Algorithms, Encapsulate Each One, and Make Them Interchangeable
- 8. State: Change Behavior Based on State
- 9. Template Method: Define a Skeleton of an Algorithm in an Operation
- 10. Visitor: Separate Algorithm from Object Structure
- 11. Interpreter Design Pattern: Effortlessly Process Complex Grammar
To check the previous article in this Design Patterns in Swift please visit Structural Design Patterns.
Behavioral Design Patterns are key to enhancing your Swift application's responsiveness and communication between objects. This blog post will delve into 11 essential Behavioral Design Patterns, complete with detailed code examples to integrate into your projects.
1. Chain of Responsibility: Decouple Sender and Receiver of Requests
The Chain of Responsibility pattern creates a chain of receiver objects to handle a request. A sender object sends the request to the first receiver in the chain, which either processes the request or passes it to the next receiver in the chain.
protocol Handler: AnyObject {
var next: Handler? { get set }
func handle(request: String)
class ConcreteHandlerA: Handler {
var next: Handler?
func handle(request: String) {
if request == "A" {
print("Handler A processed the request")
} else {
next?.handle(request: request)
class ConcreteHandlerB: Handler {
var next: Handler?
func handle(request: String) {
if request == "B" {
print("Handler B processed the request")
} else {
next?.handle(request: request)
// Usage
let handlerA = ConcreteHandlerA()
let handlerB = ConcreteHandlerB() = handlerB
handlerA.handle(request: "A")
handlerA.handle(request: "B")
2. Command: Encapsulate a Request as an Object
The Command pattern encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.
protocol Command {
func execute()
class ConcreteCommandA: Command {
private let receiver: Receiver
init(receiver: Receiver) {
self.receiver = receiver
func execute() {
class ConcreteCommandB: Command {
private let receiver: Receiver
init(receiver: Receiver) {
self.receiver = receiver
func execute() {
class Receiver {
func actionA() {
print("Receiver action A")
func actionB() {
print("Receiver action B")
class Invoker {
private var command: Command?
func setCommand(command: Command) {
self.command = command
func invoke() {
// Usage
let receiver = Receiver()
let commandA = ConcreteCommandA(receiver: receiver)
let commandB = ConcreteCommandB(receiver: receiver)
let invoker = Invoker()
invoker.setCommand(command: commandA)
invoker.setCommand(command: commandB)
3. Iterator: Access Elements Sequentially without Exposing the Underlying Representation
The Iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
protocol Iterator {
func hasNext() -> Bool
func next() -> String?
class ConcreteIterator: Iterator {
private let collection: [String]
private var currentIndex: Int = 0
init(collection: [String]) {
self.collection = collection
func hasNext() -> Bool {
return currentIndex < collection.count
func next() -> String? {
guard hasNext() else { return nil }
let item = collection[currentIndex]
currentIndex += 1
return item
protocol Container {
func createIterator() -> Iterator
class ConcreteContainer:Container {
private let items: [String]
init(items: [String]) {
self.items = items
func createIterator() -> Iterator {
return ConcreteIterator(collection: items)
// Usage
let container = ConcreteContainer(items: ["A", "B", "C"])
let iterator = container.createIterator()
while iterator.hasNext() {
4. Mediator: Encapsulate Object Interaction in a Separate Object
The Mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. This pattern promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it allows their interaction to vary independently.
protocol Mediator {
func send(message: String, colleague: Colleague)
class ConcreteMediator: Mediator {
private var colleagues: [Colleague] = []
func addColleague(colleague: Colleague) {
func send(message: String, colleague: Colleague) {
for c in colleagues {
if c !== colleague {
c.receive(message: message)
protocol Colleague: AnyObject {
var mediator: Mediator { get }
func send(message: String)
func receive(message: String)
class ConcreteColleague: Colleague {
let mediator: Mediator
init(mediator: Mediator) {
self.mediator = mediator
func send(message: String) {
mediator.send(message: message, colleague: self)
func receive(message: String) {
print("Colleague received: \(message)")
// Usage
let mediator = ConcreteMediator()
let colleague1 = ConcreteColleague(mediator: mediator)
let colleague2 = ConcreteColleague(mediator: mediator)
mediator.addColleague(colleague: colleague1)
mediator.addColleague(colleague: colleague2)
colleague1.send(message: "Hello")
colleague2.send(message: "Hi")
5. Memento: Capture and Restore Object State
The Memento pattern captures and externalizes an object's internal state without violating encapsulation so that the object can be restored to that state later.
class Originator {
private(set) var state: String
init(state: String) {
self.state = state
func set(state: String) {
self.state = state
func saveToMemento() -> Memento {
return Memento(state: state)
func restoreFromMemento(memento: Memento) {
state = memento.state
class Memento {
fileprivate let state: String
fileprivate init(state: String) {
self.state = state
class Caretaker {
private var mementos: [Memento] = []
func addMemento(memento: Memento) {
func getMemento(at index: Int) -> Memento? {
guard index < mementos.count else { return nil }
return mementos[index]
// Usage
let originator = Originator(state: "Initial State")
let caretaker = Caretaker()
caretaker.addMemento(memento: originator.saveToMemento())
originator.set(state: "State 1")
caretaker.addMemento(memento: originator.saveToMemento())
originator.set(state: "State 2")
caretaker.addMemento(memento: originator.saveToMemento())
originator.restoreFromMemento(memento: caretaker.getMemento(at: 0)!)
print("Restored state: (originator.state)") // "Initial State"
originator.restoreFromMemento(memento: caretaker.getMemento(at: 1)!)
print("Restored state: (originator.state)") // "State 1"
6. Observer: Define a One-to-Many Dependency between Objects
The Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
protocol Observer: AnyObject {
func update(subject: Subject)
protocol Subject {
func attach(observer: Observer)
func detach(observer: Observer)
func notify()
class ConcreteSubject: Subject {
private var observers: [Observer] = []
var state: String = "" {
didSet {
func attach(observer: Observer) {
func detach(observer: Observer) {
observers = observers.filter { $0 !== observer }
func notify() {
for observer in observers {
observer.update(subject: self)
class ConcreteObserver: Observer {
private(set) var state: String = ""
func update(subject: Subject) {
if let subject = subject as? ConcreteSubject {
state = subject.state
print("Observer updated with state: \(state)")
// Usage
let subject = ConcreteSubject()
let observer1 = ConcreteObserver()
let observer2 = ConcreteObserver()
subject.attach(observer: observer1)
subject.attach(observer: observer2)
subject.state = "New State"
7. Strategy: Define a Family of Algorithms, Encapsulate Each One, and Make Them Interchangeable
The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
protocol Strategy {
func execute(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int
class ConcreteStrategyAdd: Strategy {
func execute(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
class ConcreteStrategySubtract: Strategy {
func execute(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a - b
class Context {
private let strategy: Strategy
init(strategy: Strategy) {
self.strategy = strategy
func executeStrategy(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return strategy.execute(a: a, b: b)
// Usage
let contextAdd = Context(strategy: ConcreteStrategyAdd())
print("Addition: \(contextAdd.executeStrategy(a: 5, b: 3))")
let contextSubtract = Context(strategy: ConcreteStrategySubtract())
print("Subtraction: \(contextSubtract.executeStrategy(a: 5, b: 3))")
8. State: Change Behavior Based on State
The State pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object appears to change its class.
protocol State {
func handle(context: Context)
class ConcreteStateA: State {
func handle(context: Context) {
print("State A handling")
context.setState(state: ConcreteStateB())
class ConcreteStateB: State {
func handle(context: Context) {
print("State B handling")
context.setState(state: ConcreteStateA())
class Context {
private var state: State
init(state: State) {
self.state = state
func setState(state: State) {
self.state = state
func request() {
state.handle(context: self)
// Usage
let context = Context(state: ConcreteStateA())
9. Template Method: Define a Skeleton of an Algorithm in an Operation
The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. This pattern lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure.
class AbstractClass {
func templateMethod() {
func primitiveOperation1() {
fatalError("Subclasses must override this method")
func primitiveOperation2() {
fatalError("Subclasses must override this method")
class ConcreteClass: AbstractClass {
override func primitiveOperation1() {
print("ConcreteClass primitive operation 1")
override func primitiveOperation2() {
print("ConcreteClass primitive operation 2")
// Usage
let concreteClass = ConcreteClass()
10. Visitor: Separate Algorithm from Object Structure
The Visitor pattern represents an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
protocol Visitor {
func visit(element: Element)
class ConcreteVisitor: Visitor {
func visit(element: Element) {
if let elementA = element as? ConcreteElementA {
} else if let elementB = element as? ConcreteElementB {
protocol Element {
func accept(visitor: Visitor)
class ConcreteElementA: Element {
func accept(visitor: Visitor) {
visitor.visit(element: self)
func operationA() {
print("ConcreteElementA operation")
class ConcreteElementB: Element {
func accept(visitor: Visitor) {
visitor.visit(element: self)
func operationB() {
print("ConcreteElementB operation")
// Usage
let elements: [Element] = [ConcreteElementA(), ConcreteElementB()]
let visitor = ConcreteVisitor()
for element in elements {
element.accept(visitor: visitor)
11. Interpreter Design Pattern: Effortlessly Process Complex Grammar
The Interpreter Design Pattern is used to define a representation for a grammar and provide an interpreter to deal with this grammar. Here's a simple example in Swift, demonstrating an arithmetic expression interpreter.
import Foundation
// The abstract expression protocol
protocol Expression {
func interpret() -> Int
// Terminal expression for numbers
class NumberExpression: Expression {
private let number: Int
init(_ number: Int) {
self.number = number
func interpret() -> Int {
return number
// Non-terminal expression for addition
class AddExpression: Expression {
private let leftExpression: Expression
private let rightExpression: Expression
init(_ left: Expression, _ right: Expression) {
leftExpression = left
rightExpression = right
func interpret() -> Int {
return leftExpression.interpret() + rightExpression.interpret()
// Non-terminal expression for subtraction
class SubtractExpression: Expression {
private let leftExpression: Expression
private let rightExpression: Expression
init(_ left: Expression, _ right: Expression) {
leftExpression = left
rightExpression = right
func interpret() -> Int {
return leftExpression.interpret() - rightExpression.interpret()
// Example usage
let expression1 = NumberExpression(5)
let expression2 = NumberExpression(7)
let addition = AddExpression(expression1, expression2)
print("5 + 7 = \(addition.interpret())") // Output: 5 + 7 = 12
let subtraction = SubtractExpression(expression1, expression2)
print("5 - 7 = \(subtraction.interpret())") // Output: 5 - 7 = -2
By mastering these 11 essential Behavioral Design Patterns in your Swift applications, you can dramatically enhance your app's responsiveness, communication, and overall structure. Implementing these patterns in your projects will help you create more maintainable and scalable code, resulting in a higher level of user satisfaction and a more successful application.
I hope you enjoyed this article, and if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, then feel free to comment here or reach out via Twitter.
Thanks for reading!